A VW service employee is checking the oil level of a VW car
Engine oil & Fluids

Oil isn’t just oil: Volkswagen Genuine Engine Oil guarantees a top performance

The right oil is like a liquid component, providing an ideal complement to your engine, protecting it and enabling peak performance. Find out here how to find the right engine oil and what 0W-20 or 0W-30 means.

Far more than just standard

Innovations that are continuously optimised to push the boundaries of engine performance, while simultaneously surpassing standard approvals and specifications: our high performance engine oils.

Volkswagen Genuine High Performance Engine Oil LongLife III

VW Genuine High Performance Engine Oil LongLife III FE bottle of oil

Extends the change intervals: Specially developed for your engine

  • Tailor-made for your Volkswagen:
    For approved engines with VW standard 504.00 and 507.00.
  • Saves fuel:
    More efficient thanks to less friction – and extends the engine service life.
  • Extends the change intervals:
    Thanks to long-term stability, reduced ash content and viscosity index 5W-30 – also applies to diesel vehicles with a particulate filter.
  • Needs no other additives:
    The additives keep the engine clean and prevent a build up of sludge.

Volkswagen Genuine Fuel Economy Engine Oil LongLife IV

VW Genuine Fuel Economy Engine Oil LongLife IV FE bottle of oil

Unmistakeable: Thanks to the unique green colour of the oil

Oil isn’t just oil: LongLife IV meets all requirements of the new generations of petrol and diesel engines that feature particulate filters with extended service intervals.

  • Tailor-made for your Volkswagen:
    For approved engines with VW standard 508.00 and 509.00.
  • Protects your engine:
    Due to a reduced ash content and viscosity index 0W-20, which the right consistency even at low temperatures.
  • Needs no other additives:
    The additives keep the engine clean and prevent a build up of sludge.
  • Suitable for short-distance drivers:
    Thanks to less friction and reduced oil resistance in the engine.

Castrol EDGE Professional LongLife III

Castrol Oil

Strength. For maximum performance.

  • Double-strength oil film.*
    No tearing of the oil film even under extreme strain.
  • 15 % less friction.**
    For more strength and less wear and tear.
  • Retains its strength 140 hours longer.***
    Due to added titanium.

* Castrol's own tests of the Castrol EDGE product range showed that the oil film strength of the tested products was doubled, on average, by the addition of TITANIUM FSTTM compared with similar products without TITANIUM FSTTM. The test was based on 61% of the global Castrol EDGE sales volume in 2012.

** Castrol's own tests of the Castrol EDGE product range showed that friction is reduced by up to 15% through the addition of TITANIUM FSTTM compared with comparable products without TITANIUM FSTTM. The test was based on 61% of the global Castrol EDGE sales volume in 2012.

*** Castrol's own endurance test on the Castrol EDGE product range showed that it was possible to retain the oil film strength of the tested products with added  TITANIUM FSTTM 140 hours longer compared with similar products without TITANIUM FSTTM. The test was based on 61% of the global Castrol EDGE sales volume in 2012.

Time for an oil change? The service interval display in the main display will remind you

An oil change in the workshop – stay mobile with the right oil

Your owner’s manual will inform you when it’s time for an oil change. There are two types of interval when it comes to changing the engine oil:

  • Flexible service:
    According to the service interval display, but at the latest after two years or 30,000 km.
  • Fixed service:
    Every 10,000 or 15,000 km, but at least once a year.

Important: A high number of short distances and cold starts may reduce the time between the intervals. 

Warning lights for engine oil

Even the best engine oil needs the correct fill level to protect your engine. Too little oil: Metal rubs on metal and may damage the engine. Too much oil: It can get into the combustion chamber and damage the catalytic converter. So make sure you check the oil level on a regular basis.

Yellow VW warning light: Engine oil level too low or engine oil level faulty

Engine oil level too low or engine oil level faulty

  • Illuminated:
    Engine oil level is too low. Switch off the engine and check the oil level.
  • Flashing:
    Engine oil system faulty. Visit a specialist and have the engine oil sensor checked.
Red VW warning light: Engine oil pressure too low

Engine oil pressure too low

  • Switch off the engine and measure the oil level.
  • Are the lights still flashing?
    To avoid any damages, switch off the engine immediately and seek assistance from a Volkswagen partner.

Perfect for taking on longer journeys: the 1 l container from Volkswagen. Simply stowed away in the luggage compartment. It’s especially important to have 1 l of the right grade in the car when you head off on holiday, as LongLife III oils according to the VW standards 504.00 or 507.00 and LongLife IV oils according to the VW standards 508.00 and 509.00 are not available everywhere.

The high-quality additives in the container are your engine’s essential vitamins and minerals. When kept in its original container, the engine oil can be safely stored for at least four years.

Always have 1 l of oil on hand

Measuring the oil level correctly

Driving with too low an oil level puts the engine at risk – too much engine oil is just as damaging. Read here how to correctly measure the oil level.


Warm up your Volkswagen by driving at least 10 km.


Park your car on a flat surface and switch off the engine. Leave it to stand for two minutes so the warm engine oil can collect in the oil pan.


Open the bonnet and remove the oil dipstick.


Clean the oil dipstick with a lint-free cloth.


Finally, insert the dipstick in the measuring opening slowly to prevent the oil from sloshing around.


Carefully remove the oil dipstick and read the oil level: The oil film must be between the min. and max. markings. If it is, you can completely reinsert the oil dipstick and carry on driving. If not, you should either refill the engine oil or contact your specialised company.

Engine oil viscosity FAQs